Cryptowoke Merchandise - Teez

Enroll: Cryptowoke Summer Workshops June 1 - August 3

This Summer, choose courses of your choice and invite 3 other family/friend members to take with you or they can choose their own, all for just *$149.99!

Classes available live via Zoom or FLEX and go at your own pace!

*Pay in full (one payment) or choose 2 payments of $74.99, balance due in July

Course Overview

  • • Each session promotes real-world happenings by way of student-centered learning experiences.

  • • Students will be provided digital handouts, worksheets, and resources that allow you to explore the topics covered in each lesson and immediately apply new knowledge in day-to-day financial decision making.

    • Each course comprises of presentation sides, video clips, and challenge exercises to support the activity in each session.

  • • Each participant will receive a curriculum complete with info on all topics being covered in this course including online accessible and literary sources, and family activities to try together.

• Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the program as a reminder of the financial education and investment you've made into yourself and bettering your financial future. You will also receive an additonal 90-day direct access to your instructor, M'Bwebe Ishangi to ensure continued progress on your new journey toward financial sustainability.


>> Choose from our 4 courses below:
**You don't have to have a PayPal account to make payment

Cryptowoke Merchandise - Course

Financial Education Boot Camp for Adults Ages 25-75

Get financially fit this Summer! In this 6 bi-weekly course, you will engage in gaol settings, financial statements, saving and investing, credit and loans, insurance and retirement planning that will enable you to chart a path to financial sustainabilty and eventual living off your savings and investments.

Classes will meet the following Saturday's 9:30-11am: June 1, 15, 29, July 13, 20, & 27th via Zoom. Classes also available as FLEX (self-paced).

**TAKE ADVANTAGE of our rate of $149.99 for up to 4 family members or friends to join you in this course or they can choose from our other courses.

Choose Course
List up to 3 family/friends to any course here:

Cryptowoke Merchandise - Course

Financial Education Boot Camp for Student-Athlete's Ages 13-25

Your child have collegiate or even pro-level potential? Get them financially fit this Summer! With stardom will come large checks. Will they be able to manage it corretly to last their lifetime even if their career is short-lived?

This course is for them! Give your child the gift that keeps on giving... the knowledge of how money works and how to manage it! Classes will meet the following Saturday's 11:30am-1pm: June 1, 15, 29, July 13, 20, & 27th via Zoom. Classes also available as FLEX (self-paced).

**TAKE ADVANTAGE of our rate of $149.99 for up to 4 family members or friends to join you in this course or they can choose from our other courses.

Choose Course
List up to 3 family/friends to any course here:

Cryptowoke Merchandise - Course

Financial Education Boot Camp for Young People Ages 13-25

As you now, money plays a large part of our entire adult lives. As adults, I'm sure we'e all made financial mistakes that can be directed to the fact we were never really taught how money works—and more important, how to have money work for you intead of the otherway around.

Get them financially fit this Summer and help your child(ren) skip those mistakes we made and get them on the fast track to sustainability and eventual wealth!

Give your child the gift that keeps on giving... the knowledge of how money works and how to manage it! Classes will meet the following Saturday's 9:30am-11am: June 8, 22, 29, July 20, 27, & August 3rd via Zoom. Classes also available as FLEX (self-paced).

**TAKE ADVANTAGE of our rate of $149.99 for up to 4 family members or friends to join you in this course or they can choose from our other courses.

Choose Course
List up to 3 family/friends to any course here:

Cryptowoke Merchandise - Course

From Slaveships to S.T.E.A.M.S.H.I.P.S.
A STEAM-based Historical Experience of Contributions by Melanated People - For All Ages 13-75

What is STEAM? STEAM is an acronym that stands for 'Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math'. This course, however, comes with a twist. Students will learn the primary motive behind colonization was not just to enslave people from the continent of Africa, it was their innovative genius that built cities, discovered electricity, and erect building structures that still baffles top engineers of today. Using S.H.I.P.S. (Sustainability, Holistic Health, Innovation, Prosperity, & Spirituality), you will walk away fully aware of the creative genius of antiquity and how it can be applied in todays world as we enter the fourth industrial revolution.

This class if for adults and youth and creeated for families to take and learn together! Classes will meet the following Saturday's 11:30am-1pm: June 8, 22, 29, July 20, 27, & August 3rd via Zoom. Classes also available as FLEX (self-paced).


**TAKE ADVANTAGE of our rate of $149.99 for up to 4 family members or friends to join you in this course or they can choose from our other courses.

Choose Course
List up to 3 family/friends to any course here:


© 2024 Cryptowoke Financial Sustainabilty Movement, LLC. Made By Nebulution Studios