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Use Credit to Pay Off Debt While Building Wealth in Seven Steps

    Real sustainability comes once you close your savings account and use credit as your safety net instead.


    When we think of credit, most hate it or are scared of it. Some see the use of credit as a moment of euphoria—when you purchase that vacay to Cancun—but then come crashing down when the bill is due a month later. And if not paid in full, there’s interest.


    Because of this, many see credit as a slippery slope towards debt, and after getting hit a few times with interest and late fees, they choose not deal with credit at all—which adds additional damage to your credit score. It isn’t until you want to purchase a car or buy a home when you wish you knew better.


    Fact is, cash is no longer king, credit is. But because most don’t know how to use it as a tool towards building financial sustainability, they remain living paycheck-to-paycheck, and nowadays, job-to-job as layoffs are as common as vaccine commercials.


    Credit can actually be used to get our of debt—even if you have credit card debt! How? All you need is a decent credit score (680+) and monthly income.


    Most believe you need a job to create income. We’ve never been taught how to position ourself to have a healthy five-to-six figure line of total credit that can be used as a tool to creating a path toward financial sustainability.

    Follow this seven-step strategy and in 12-36 months, you will not only eliminate sizable debt, you’ll create a credit line coffer you would never see working a job in your lifetime:

  1. Access your debt amount.
  2. Find a lending institution and apply.
  3. Use loan to pay credit card debt by way of balance transfer. This will zero out debt and if managed right, if you pay future balances in full, you’ll never pay an interest rate.
  4. Zero to low credit card utilization boosts your credit score.
  5. 2-3 months later credit score should be significantly higher. Apply for new credit card.
  6. Apply for another credit card in six months. Your credit limit should be even higher!
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 every six months.

    Simply put a healthy credit limit is your safety net, something a job will NEVER provide! Ask yourselves, how long would it take to save $100,000? It’s impossible to do! With credit, you can in as little as two years!


    Want to learn more? In order to do so requires a will to forgo what you’ve been taught. I invite you to join the Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement where I show you ways to live off your savings and investments without falling victim to job loss or being taken advantage of in money markets rigged to fail.


    Break the cycle of generational poverty! Get @Cryptowoke and learn how to live off your savings and investments. Change not only your future, change your bloodlines!


    Recognizing this, in order to break this psychological spell, it requires a will to forgo what you’ve been taught. I invite you to join the Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement where I show you ways to live off your savings and investments without falling victim to job loss or being taken advantage of in money markets rigged to fail.

>> Join the Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement Today! <<

I invite you to consider the rest of your life by putting yourself in a position where you’re on the path of sustainability with the ability to sustain any life-changing challenge that comes your way!

Wishing you health and well(th)!

Read this and more in my book, 'A Pot to Piss In: Intergenerational Wealth Planning for Black People'. For details, click >> here <<



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